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Harcourt, Alfred
Harcourt, Brace
Harper & Brothers
Harry Morgan (Hemingway). See also To Have and Have Not
Harvard Advocate
Harvard Library Bulletin
Harvard University
Hayes, Rutherford B.
Hecht, Ben
Hemingway, Ernest
accidents and illnesses of
as anthologist
anti-fascist speech of (1937)
bullfighting and
complaints to Perkins by
critics and
on death
Eastman vs.
financial situation of
on fishing and hunting trips
Fitzgerald and
Gellhorn and. See Hemingway, Martha Gellhorn
leftists and
as literary hero and celebrity
marriages of
as masculinity cult spokesman
obscenity and profanity in work of
Perkins’s concern for safety of
on Perkins’s death
Perkins’s editorial judgments on
on Perkins’s friendship
Perkins’s initial contacts with
Perkins’s personal views on
Perkins’s relationship with
as playwright
self-estimations of
short stories of
Spanish Civil War and
Stein and
style of
“the very rich” and
Wolfe and
on women writers
World War II and
on writers and writing
writers recommended by. See also specific works
Hemingway, Gregory
Hemingway, Hadley
Hemingway, John
Hemingway, Martha Gellhorn
Hemingway, Mary Welsh
Hemingway, Patrick
Hemingway, Pauline Pfeiffer
Hepburn, Katharine
Herbert, Victor
Hergesheimer, Joseph
“Her Last Case” (Fitzgerald)
Hero in America, The (Wecter)
Highet, Gilbert
“His Father’s House” (Wolfe)
History of Our Time (Ford)
History of Rome Hanks and Kindred Matters, The (Pennell)
Hope, Bob
Hopkins, Harry L.
Houghton Mifflin
House, Eleanor
Howells, William Dean
How to Write Short Stories (Lardner)
“In Another Country” (Hemingway)
Indigo (Weston)
Infidelity (film)
In Our Time (Hemingway)
I Thought of Daisy (Wilson)
James, Henry
James, Will
James, William
Jazz Age
Jelliffe, Belinda
Jones, James
Jorgensen, Reid
Josephson, Matthew
Joyce, James
Jozan, Edouard
Keats, John
Kenyon, Beatrice
Key West, Fla., Hemingway in
Kidnap Murder Case, The (Van Dine)
“Killers, The” (Hemingway)
King, Robert
Kipling, Rudyard
Kit Brandon (Anderson)
Knave of Hearts, The (Louise Perkins)
Knopf, Alfred A.
Kroll, Frances
Ladies’ Home Journal
Lanahan, Samuel
Lardner, Ellis
Lardner, Ring (Ringgold Wilmer)
death of
health and money troubles of
short pieces of
Lardner, Ring, Jr.
Last Tycoon, The (Fitzgerald)
Fitzgerald’s death and
Fitzgerald’s progress on
idea and outline of
Perkins’s views on
publication and reception of
selling of
Wilson’s assessment of
Late George Apley, The (Marquand)
Lee, Robert E.
Lee’s Lieutenants (Freeman)
Lemmon, Elizabeth
astrology and
Fitzgerald and
Perkins’s correspondence with
Perkins’s relationship with
Leslie, Shane
Lewis, Sinclair
Lieber, Maxim
Life and the Dream (Colum)
Life of Emerson, The (Brooks)
Linet, Lewis R.
Linscott, Robert
“Lion at Morning, The” (Wolfe)
Lippmann, Walter
literary agents, women as
Literary Guild
Littauer, Kenneth
“little magazines,”
Liveright, Horace
Lone Cowboy (James)
Longworth, Alice Roosevelt
Longworth, Nicholas
Look Homeward, Angel (Wolfe)
acceptance of
characters of
cutting and revisions of
massiveness of
Perkins’s views on
publication and reception of
sale of ms. of
title of
“lost generation,”
Lost Gospel, The (Train)
Love Nest, The (Lardner)
Loyalties (Galsworthy)
Lunt, Storer
Lycidas (Milton)
McAlmon, Robert
McClary, Tom
McCormick, Kenneth D.
McCoy, George W.
McGee, William F.
MacLeish, Archibald
Macrae, John
Madame Bovary (Flaubert)
Madison, Charles A.
Magic Lanterns (Louise Perkins)
Making of Americans, The (Stein)
Malraux, André
Man Nobody Knows, The (Barton)
March of Democracy, The (Adams)
Marquand, John Phillips
“Mating of Marjorie, The” (Caldwell)
“May Day” (Fitzgerald)
Men at War (Hemingway, ed.)
Mencken, H. L.
Men Without Women (Hemingway)
Meyer, Wallace
Milton, John
Mitchell, Burroughs
Mitchell, Cornelius
Mitchell, Margaret
Mizener, Arthur
Modern Monthly
Mok, Michael
Moody, Helen Wills
Moveable Feast, A (Hemingway)
Mozart (Davenport)
Mr. Pope and Other Poems (Tate)
Murphy, Gerald and Sara
“My Lost City” (Fitzgerald)
Napoleon I,
Nathan, George Jean
Nathan, Robert
New Canaan, Conn., Perkins’s home and circle in
New Deal
New Republic
New Yorker, The
New York Herald Tribune
New York Post
New York Times
New York University—
Nin, Anaïs
1919 (Dos Passos)
“No Door” (Wolfe)
No More Parades (Ford)
“No More Rivers” (Wolfe)
Norton, W. W., and Company
Nowell, Elizabeth
“Now I Lay Me” (Hemingway)
Noyes, Alfred
Oakman, Walter G.
Ober, Harold
Ober, Mrs. Harold
October Fair, The (Wolfe)
Of Lena Geyer (Davenport)
Of Making Many Books (Burlingame)
Of Time and the River (Wolfe)
characters of
cutting and editing of
dedication of
early titles of
as “finished,” Perkins decides
lawsuit on sale of ms. of
mistakes inr />
Perkins’s views on
publication and reception of
sales of
Wolfe’s progress with
Wolfe’s refusal to part with
Wolfe’s views on
O‘Hara, John
Old Man and the Sea, The (Hemingway)
“Old Man Rivers” (Wolfe)
One More River (Galsworthy)
“On Girls and Gallantry” (Max Perkins)
Ordeal of Mark Twain, The (Brooks)
“Other Joys” (Louise Perkins)
“Other Side, The” (Lardner)
Our Times (Sullivan)
Owen, George
Page, Thomas Nelson
Palffy, Countess Eleanor
Paris, literary expatriates in
Paris Underground (Shiber)
Parker, Dorothy
Parrish, Maxfield
Paton, Alan
Pauline (Louise Perkins)
Peirce, Waldo
Penhally (Gordon)
Pennell, Joseph Stanley
Perkins, Bertha (daughter; Mrs. John Frothingham)
Perkins, Charles C. (brother)
Perkins, Charles Callahan (grandfather)
Perkins, Edmund
Perkins, Edward (brother)
Perkins, Edward Clifford (father)
Perkins, Elisabeth “Zippy” (daughter; Mrs. Douglas Gorsline)
Perkins, Elizabeth Evarts (mother)
Perkins, Fanny (sister). See Cox, Fanny Perkins
Perkins, Jane (daughter; Mrs. George Owen)
Perkins, Louise Elvire “Peggy” (daughter; Mrs. Robert King)
Perkins, Louise Saunders (wife)
artistic career of
as Catholic convert
Elizabeth Lemmon and
European tour of (1935)
illnesses of
inheritance of
Max’s death and
wedding and honeymoon of
widowhood and death of
Wolfe and
Perkins, Max (William Maxwell Evarts)
America as seen by
authors’ solicitude for
autobiographical fiction as preference of
as biographical subject
in business dealings
childhood and early youth of
courtship and wedding of
daughters and
death of
death of friends as felt by
descriptions of
as doodler
as drinker
Eastman-Hemingway encounter and
eating habits of
editorial crotchets and biases of
editorial perfectionism lost by
editor’s role as seen by
empathy for authors’ problems shown by
family background of
fatalism of
on fishing and hunting trips with Hemingway
Fitzgerald’s death and
friendships vs. business dealings of
at Harvard
hat-wearing and apparel of
health decline of—439
hearing problems of
as Hemingway-Fitzgerald moderator
hired by Scribner
ideas suggested to authors by
as “John Smith, U.S.A.,”
as joiner
lawsuits and—315, 318, 422—423, 427
in London
in love relationship. See Lemmon, Elizabeth
managerial role of
marriage of
middle-age eccentricities of
misspellings of
money management by
at New York Times
obscenity, profanity and
parental philosophy of
politics of
on publishing economics
publishing gambles of
reputation among writers
reputation at Scribners
retirement dreams of
sadness and loneliness of
Scribner colleagues and
short stories as arranged by
social withdrawal of
in Stein-Hemingway feud
success of authors ascribed to
as teacher
on titles
typical workdays of
War and Peace and
Wolfe’s death and
as Wolfe’s Foxhall Edwards (“the Fox”)
on women and marriage
women attracted to
women writers and
work attitudes of
World War II and
writing of forties as seen by
writing vs. editorial career of
Yankee and Puritanical qualities of. See also specific authors and titles
Perkins, Nancy Galt (daughter; Mrs. Reid Jorgensen)
Petronius Arbiter
Philippe, Count of Darkness (Fitzgerald)
Pierce, John B.
Pilgrimage of Henry James, The (Brooks)
Pirandello, Luigi
“Poodle” (Lardner)
Poore, Charles
Pope, Edith
“Portrait of Bascom Hawke, A” (Wolfe)
Pound, Ezra
Powell, Dawn
Prince, Marjorie Morton
Princeton University
Prodigal Women, The (Hale)
Prohibition (Volstead Act)
advertising in
best sellers in
editor’s job in
effect of Depression on
effect of World War II on
markets in
out-of-print books in
payment procedures in
printing plates in
seasons in
trade books in
women in
Pulitzer Prize
Putnam, Phelps
Putnam’s, G. P.
Puzzled America (Anderson)
Pyle, Ernie
Randall, David
Rascoe, Burton
Rawlings, Charles
Rawlings, Marjorie Kinnan
Fitzgerald and
Hemingway and
Perkins’s role in Yearling of
Reback, Janet. See Caldwell, Taylor
Remarque, Erich Maria
“Return to Yesterday” (Ford)
Rice, Elmer
“Rich Boy, The” (Fitzgerald)
Roberts, Margaret
Robertson, George
Rolland, Romain
Romantic Egotirt, The (Fitzgerald)
Roosevelt, Eleanor
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Roosevelt, Theodore
Ross, Cary
Roth, Henry
“Rough Crossing, The” (Fitzgerald)—
Round Up (Lardner)
Ruge, Dr. E. C.
Russell, Diarmuid
Russell, George William (A. E.)
Ryan, Robert
Salvation Nell (Sheldon)
Sanctuary (Faulkner)
Saturday Evening Post
Saturday Review
Satyricon (Petronius)
Saunders, Emily
Saunders, Jean
Saunders, Louise. See Perkins, Louise Saunders
Saunders, William Lawrence
Saunders, William Lawrence
Save Me the Waltz (Zelda Fitzgerald)
Saxton, Eugene F.
Scenes and Portraits (Brooks)
Scheying, Herman
Schieffelin, George McKay
Scribner, Arthur
Scribner, Charles(“old CS”)
death of
Fitzgerald and
Hemingway and
Perkins’s relationship with
Scribner, Charles
Perkins’s relationship with
Scribner, Charles
Scribner bookstore
Scribner Building
Scribner’s Magaxine
Perkins’s improvement of
works serialized in
bsp; Scribner’s Sons, Charles (Scribners)
Anderson’s dissatisfaction with
Depression earnings of
editorial expansion at
editors of
Fitzgerald’s debts to
Fitzgerald’s rumored rift with
gambles by
Hemingway’s disputes with
Hemingway’s loyalty to
Hemingway sought by
hundredth anniversary of (1946)
literary list of
literary standards and reputation of
obscenity and
offices of, described
Perkins’s death and
Perkins’s managerial role at
Perkins’s reputation at
poetry and
record-breaking 1943 season of
rejections by
Wilson’s resentment of
Wolfe’s characters drawn from
Wolfe’s departure from
Wolfe’s disputes with
Wolfe’s loyalty to
Seldes, Gilbert
Shakespeare, William
Shawn, William
Shearer, Norma
Sheldon, Edward
Sherman, Roger
Sherwood, Robert
Shiber, Etta
Shipman, Evan
Shores of Light, The (Wilson)
Six Characters in Search of an Author (Pirandello)
Smart Set, The
Smith, Bernard
Smith, Chard Powers
Smith, Harrison
Smoky (James)
“Snows of Kilimanjaro, The” (Hemingway)
So Red the Rose (Young)
South Moon Under (Rawlings)
Spain, Hemingway and
Spencer, Herbert
Stallings, Laurence
Stearns, Harold
Stein, Gertrude
Steinbeck, John
Stewart, Catherine Pomeroy
Stewart, Donald Ogden
Story of a Novel, The (Wolfe)
De Voto’s article on
royalty dispute over
Story of a Wonder Man, The (Lardner)
Story of Mankind, The (van Loon)
Story Teller’s Story, A (Anderson)
Strange, Michael
Strange Fugitive (Callaghan)
Strater, Henry
Sullivan, Mark
Sun Also Rises, The (Hemingway)
epigraph of
Perkins on revisions of
publication and reception of
Sun Valley, Idaho, Hemingway in
Swift, Jonathan
Swinnerton, Frank
Taft, William Howard
Tales of the Jazz Age (Fitzgerald)
Taps at Reveille (Fitzgerald)
Tarkington, Booth
Tate, Allen
Tate, Caroline Gordon
Tender Is the Night (Fitzgerald)
autobiographical sources of
early and final titles of
Fitzgerald’s promotional plans for
Fitzgerald’s views on
Hemingway’s views on
Perkins’s views on
problems in completing of
publication and reception of
serialization of