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Publishing “The Crack-Up”: MP to John Biggs, Jan. 26, 1945.
TW’s reputation and letters: MP to Mabel Wolfe Wheaton, Dec. 22, 1943; AB to MP, ca. June 1, 1943 and June 7, 1943; MP to AB, June 3, 1943; David Randall, Dukedom Large Enough (New York: Random House, 1969), pp. 244, 248; AB to MP, ca. June 7, 1945.
MP and movies: MP to Evan Shipman, July 22, 1943; PK to ASB (I), Mar. 28, 1972.
Martha Gellhorn “turns back” on EH: MP to Evan Shipman, July 22, 1943; MP to Sidney Franklin, May 24, 1943; Dr. Gregory Hemingway, Papa (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1976), p. 90; Martha Gellhorn to ASB (I), May 10, 1972; EH to MP, ca. Aug. 1, 1943; EH to MP, June 10, 1943; Dr. Gregory Hemingway to ASB (I), Feb. 11, 1972; EH to MP, Aug. 10, 1943; Wallace Meyer to ASB (I), Apr. 1, 1972.
EH goes to war: EH to MP, Oct. 15, 1944.
MP withdrawing, craving anonymity: Marcia Davenport to ASB (I), Apr. 10, 1972; MP to M. M. Hoover, May 24, 1943; MP to R. W. Cowden, Feb. 9, 1945; MP to EL, Sept. 15, 1943.
New Yorker Profile: EN to William A. Jackson, n.d. (Houghton Library, 46am7-24v) ; EN to MC, Feb. 23, 1943 (MC notes); MC to William Shawn, Apr. 8, 1943; MC notes; J. H. Wilson’s The Life of John A. Rawlins, quoted in Dictionary of American Biography, vol. VIII, p. 403.
Faulkner: MP to MC, Jan. 31, 1944; MC to William Faulkner, July 22, 1944; MC to ASB (I), May 18, 1972; The Faulkner-Cowley File (London: Chatto & Windus, 1966), p. 10n.
The Autobiography of Ephraim Tutt: Arthur Train, Mr. Tutt Finds a Way, pp. 9, 16, 228; New York Times, May 16, 1944, p. 23.
Joseph Stanley Pennell: MP to Samuel H. Watts of New Canaan, Aug. 22, 1944; Look Homeward, Angel, p. vii; MP to Pennell, Feb. 19, 1943; MP to Pennell, Mar. 29, 1943; MP to Pennell, Mar. 19, 1943; Pennell to MP, ca. Apr. 1, 1943; MP to Pennell, Apr. 8, 1943; MKR to MP, Oct. 11, 1944; Marguerite Cohn to ASB (I), Feb. 16, 1972; MP to Pennell, Mar. 29, 1943; Hamilton Basso, The New Yorker, July 15, 1944, pp. 66, 69.
New Yorker Profile published: MC, “Unshaken Friend,” The New Yorker, April 1 and 8, 1944; MP to Esther Meyer, May 19, 1944; MP to Nancy Hale, Apr. 18, 1944; MC to William Shawn, Apr. 7, 1944; MP to MKR, Apr. 19, 1944.
MP sick: MP to EH, July 28, 1944; MP to EL, May 18, 1935; MP to MKR, June 23, 1944; MP to MKR, July 27, 1944; MP to MKR, Oct. 17, 1944; MP to EH, July 28, 1944; Carol Brandt to ASB (I), May 17, 1972.
TC describes MP’s office: TC, The Final Hour, p. 191; MC notes.
MP indulging EH: MP to EH, Mar. 6, 1945; MP to EH, Mar. 20, 1945; EH to MP, Apr. 14, 1945; MP to EH, Apr. 19, 1945; MP to EH, June 5, 1945.
MP and infuriated reader: MP to Esther Meyer, May 25 and 31, 1944; MP to Esther Meyer, May 19, 1944.
MP coping with burdens: MP to EL, June 1, 1945.
James Jones: JJ to ASB (I), Mar. 3, 1972; JJ, quoted in Twentieth-Century Authors: First Supplement, p. 581; MP to Maxwell Aley, Feb. 28, 1945; JJ to MP, Feb. 10, 1946; MP to JJ, Feb. 15, 1946; JJ to MP, Feb. 17, 1946; MP to JJ, Feb. 19, 1946; dust jacket of From Here to Eternity; JJ to MP, Feb. 22, 1946; MP to JJ, June 5, 1946; JJ to MP, Oct. 21, 1946; MP to JJ, Mar. 27, 1946; MP to JJ, July 30, 1946.
Vance Bourjaily: Vance Bourjaily to ASB (I), Jan. 17, 1978.
MP’s accident and fatigue: MP to EH, Jan. 9, 1946; Joan Terrall to ASB (I), Mar. 19, 1972; Burroughs Mitchell to ASB (I), Oct. 1, 1970; CS to EH, Aug. 7, 1946; EH to MP, Oct. 4, 1946, MP to EH, Oct. 3, 1946.
EH working at new novel: Carlos Baker, Ernest Hemingway: A Life Story (New York: Scribners, 1969), p. 454; EH to MP, Oct. 31, 1945; MP to EH, Jan. 9, 1946; MP to JJ, Nov. 19, 1946.
More deaths: MP to Katherine Newlin Burt, Dec. 2, 1946.
OMMB: OMMB, p. 332.
MP on selecting books: CS IV to ASB (I), Feb. 14, 1972; JHW to ASB (I), Oct. 20, 1971; VWB Auto, p. 573.
Alan Paton: Aubrey Burns to ASB, Apr. 23, 1973; MP to Alan Paton, Jan. 20, 1947; Alan Paton to Aubrey and Marigold Burns, Feb. 9, 1947; Alan Paton to Aubrey Burns, Feb. 11, 1947; Alan Paton to Aubrey Burns, Apr. 9, 1947; MP to Alan Paton, May 6 and 14, 1947; Alan Paton to MP, June 10, 1947; Alan Paton to MP, Apr. 23, 1947; Alan Paton to MP, June 10, 1947.
MP as teacher: Gilbert Highet, The Art of Teaching (New York: Knopf, 1950), pp. 50, 52; Kenneth McCormick to ASB (I), June 3, 1975; Storer Lunt to ASB, June 22, 1975; Kenneth McCormick to ASB (I), June 6, 1973.
East Side, West Side: Marcia Davenport to MP, Mar. 9, 1946; Marcia Davenport to MP, ca. Apr. 20, 1947; MP to Marcia Davenport, Apr. 28, 1947; Marcia Davenport to MP, May 18, 1947; MP to Marcia Davenport, June 9, 1947; Marcia Davenport to MP, June 12, 1947; Marcia Davenport to MP, May 31, 1947.
Final words on EH: MP to EH, June 5, 1947; JHW to ASB (I), Oct. 20, 1971.
Final advice to JJ: MP to JJ, May 28, 1947; JJ to ASB (I), Mar. 3, 1972; JJ to MP, June 23, 1946.
MP’s final illness: BSF to ASB (I), Oct. 31, 1971; LSP to EL, July 28, 1947.
MP’s death: NJ to ASB (I), Apr. 22, 1972; Jean Lancaster to ASB (I), May 22, 1972; EEG to ASB (I), June 11, 1973; LSP to VWB, July 8, 1947; Irma Wyckoff Muench to Mrs. James Boyd, June 26, 1947; War and Peace, Book XII:4.
Postmortem: CS to EH, June 25, 1947; EH to CS, Sept. 18, 1947; EL to ASB (I), May 24, 1975; EL to LSP, late June, 1947; Chard Powers Smith, “Perkins and the Elect,” The Antioch Review, Spring, 1962, p. 102; VWB to LSP, June 18, 1947; JJ to CSS, ca. June 25, 1947.
LSP’s final years: Mary Colum to VWB, ca. July, 1947; EL to ASB (I), Apr. 14, 1972.
Jane Perkins married George Owen, an Englishman, in 1949; Nancy Perkins married Reid Jorgensen in 1953.
“Absolution” (Fitzgerald)
Adams, Evangeline
Adams, Franklin P.
Adams, Henry
Adams, J. Donald
Adams, James Truslow
Adding Machine, The (Rice)
Ade, George
Africa, Hemingway and
“Afternoon of an Author” (Fitzgerald)
“After the Storm” (Hemingway)
Aiken, Conrad
Aldanov, Mark
Aley, Maxwell
Allen, Hervey
All the Sad Young Men (Fitzgerald)
American, The (Adams)
American Caravan
American Chronicle, An (Pennell)
American Earth (Caldwell)
American Jitters (Wilson)
American Mercury, The
American Mercury House
Anderson, Maxwell
Anderson, Sherwood
Antaeus, myth of
Anthony Adverse (Allen)
Arlen, Michael
Armstrong, Anne
Art and the Life of Action (Eastman)
Artillery of Time (Smith)
Art of Teaching, The (Highet)
Asheville, N.C., reactions to Wolfe in
Aswell, Edward C.
Atlantic Monthly
“Author’s House” (Fitzgerald)
Autohiography of Alice B. Toklas, The (Stein)
Autumn Hill (Caldwell)
Axel’s Castle (Wilson)
Baker, Carlos
Balch, Earl
Balmer, Edwin
Barrack-Room Ballads (Kipling)
Barrymore, Ethel and John
Barton, Bruce
Basso, Hamilton
Beautiful and Damned, The (Fitzgerald)
Belloc, Hilaire
Benchley, Robert
Benefield, Barry
Benét, Stephen Vincent
Benét, William Rose
Benson Murder Case, The (Van Dine)
Bernstein, Aline
Perkins and
suicide attempts of
Wolfe’s compensation plan for
in Wolfe’s writings (Esther Jack)
Bessie, Alvah
Best, Marshall
Bierce, Ambrose
Biggs, John
“Big Two-Hearted River” (Hemingway)
Bimini, Hemingway in
Bishop, John Peale
Bishop Murder Care, The (Van Dine)
Black Cargo, The (Marquand)
Bonaparte, Napoleon. See Napoleon I
Bonaparte, Pauline
Bond, Alice Dixon
Boni & Liveright
Book-of-the-Month Club
book reviewers, Depression economies and
book sales, U.S.
Bordley, Dr. James
Bourjaily, Vance
Boyd, Ernest
Boyd, James
Boyd, Madeleine
Boyd, Thomas
Boy Who Killed His Mother, The (Fitzgerald)
Bradley, William Aspinwall
Brandt, Carl
Brett, Catherine
Bridges, Robert
Briffault, Robert
Bromfield, Louis
Brooks, Alden
Brooks, Eleanor
Brooks, Van Wyck
on Perkins
personal and literary crisis of
Brownell, William Crary
Bruen, Frances D.
Bryan, William Jennings
“Bull in the Afternoon” (Eastman)
Burlingame, Edward L.
Burlingame, Roger
Burns, Aubrey
Burns, Marigold
Burt, Struthers
Cabell, James Branch
Caldwell, Erskine
Caldwell, Taylor (Janet Reback)
Callaghan, Morley
Call It Experience (Caldwell)
Call It Sleep (Roth)
Calverton. F.
Campbell, Allen
Campbell, Mrs. Patrick
“Canary” Murder Case, The (Van Dine)
Cane, Melville
Cape, Jonathan
Carolina Magazine
Cathcart, Noble
Cather, Willa
Cerf, Bennett
Chamberlain, John
Chamberlain, Neville
“Champion” (Lardner)
Charge of the Light Brigade, The (film)
Cherio, Romolo (restaurant)
“Chickamauga” (Wolfe)
Chidester, Ann
Church, Mary
Churchill, Winston
Civil War, U.S.
“Clean Well-Lighted Place, A” (Hemingway)
Clemens, Samuel (Mark Twain)
Cohan, George M.
Colorado Writers’ Conference (Boulder )
Colum, Mary “Molly,”
Colum, Padraic
Communists, U.S.
Conquistador (MacLeish)
Conrad, Joseph
Coolidge, Calvin
Cooper, Gary
Copeland, Charles Townsend “Copey,”
Copeland Reader, The (Copeland)
Copeland‘r Translations (Copeland)
Copey of Harvard (Adams)
Courthouse Square (Basso)
Cowley, Malcolm
Cox, Archibald
Cox, Archibald, Jr.
Cox, Fanny Perkins
Cox, Robert Hill
“Cracker Chidlings” (Rawlings)
“Crack-Up, The” (Fitzgerald)
Crane, Stephen
Crawford, Joan
“Crazy Sunday” (Fitzgerald)
Cross Creek (Rawlings)
Crowded Hours (Longworth)
Crown Publishing Company
Cry, the Beloved Country (Paton)
Cuba, Hemingway in
Dana, Richard Henry
Dandy, Dr. Walter
Daniels, Jonathan
Dark Laughter (Anderson)
Darrow, Whitney
Dashiell, Alfred “Fritz,”
Davenport, Marcia
Davis, Jefferson
Davis, John W.
Davis, Richard Harding
Death in the Afternoon (Hemingway)
editorial work on
publication and reception of
Demon Lover, The (Fitzgerald)
Depression, publishing in
De Voto, Bernard
Dexter, Byron
Dexter, Timothy
“Diamond as Big as the Ritz, The” (Fitzgerald)
Dickens, Charles
Dodd, Mead
Donne, John
Dooher, Murdoch
Dorgan, Dick
Dorman, Marjorie
Dos Passos, John
Doubleday & Company
Dreiser, Theodore
Drums (Boyd)
Durand, René
Dutton, E. P., and Company
Dyer, Sir Edward
Dynasty of Death (Caldwell)
“E” (Wolfe)
Eagles Gather, The (Caldwell)
“Early Success” (Fitzgerald)
Earth Is the Lord’s, The (Caldwell)
Eastman, Max
East Side, West Side (Davenport)
“Echoes of the Jazz Age” (Fitzgerald)
Edel, Leon
Eliot, T. S.
Ellerslie Mansion
Ellingson, Dorothy
Emerson, Ralph Waldo
Enjoyment of Poetry (Eastman)
Epic of America, The (Adams)
Europa (Briffault)
Evarts, Elizabeth. See Perkins, Elizabeth Evarts
Evarts, Helen Minerva Wardner
Evarts, Jeremiah
Evarts, John
Evarts, Mehitabel Barnes
Evarts, Reverend Prescott
Evarts, Richard
Evarts, Senator William Maxwell
“Exiles” (Gellhorn)
“Facts, The” (Lardner)
Fadiman, Clifton
Farewell to Arms, A (Hemingway)
publication and success of
serialization of
Far Side of Paradise, The (Mizener)
Hemingway on
literary critics vs.
Faulkner, William
Ferber, Edna
Fifth Column, The (Hemingway)
Fifth Column and the First Forty-nine Stories, The (Hemingway)
Fifth Seal, The (Aldanov)
“Fifty Grand” (Hemingway)
Final Hour, The (Caldwell)
“Financing Finnegan” (Fitzgerald)
Finnegans Wake (Joyce)
First and Last (Lardner)
Fitzgerald, Frances Scott “Scottie,”
wedding of
Fitzgerald, F. Scott
agent troubles of
aging feared by
America as seen by
biographies of
breakdowns of
Catholic roots of
commercial magazine writing of
critics and reviewers on
death of
depressions of
drinking habits of
early success of
generation identified by
Graham and
health problems of
Hemingway and. See Hemingway, Ernest
Hollywood sojourns of
on Hollywood vs. art
Lardner and
as literary has-been
literary judgments of
money troubles of
new talents recommended by
parents of
in Paris literary scene
“perfectionist attitude” of
Perkins as seen by
Perkins’s editorial judgments on
Perkins’s personal loans to
Perkins’s personal views on
Perkin’s relationship with
as playwright
republishing works of
self-estimations of
short stories of
strained friendships of
taste for luxury of
will of
Wolfe and. See Wolfe, Thomas
Zelda’s novel and
Zelda’s troubles and. See also
specific works
Fitzgerald, Zelda Sayre
balletomania of
breakdown and illness of
Hemingway’s views on
as painter
Perkins and
Scott’s death and
as writer
Fix Bayonets (Thomason)
Flagg, Ernest
Flappers and Philosophers (Fitzgerald)
Flaubert, Gustave
Flowering of New England, The (Brooks)
Ford, Ford Madox
For Dear Life (Jelliffe)
“Formula” (Louise Perkins)
Forsyte Saga, The (Galsworthy)
For Whom the Bell Tolls (Hemingway)
film version of
Hemingway’s work on
Perkins’s views on
publication and success of
title of
Founding of New England, The (Adams)
Four of a Kind (Marquand)
Fox, John, Jr.
Franklin, Sidney
Freeman, Douglas Southall
Frere-Reeves, A. S.
Friede, Donald
From Death to Morning (Wolfe)
From Here to Eternity (Jones)
Frost, Robert
Frothingham, Edward Perkins
Frothingham, John
Fuller, Edward M.
Galsworthy, John
Garden Murder Case, The (Van Dine)
Garden of Eden, The (Hemingway)
Gaunt Woman, The (Gilligan)
Geismar, Maxwell
Gellhorn, Martha. See Hemingway, Martha Gellhorn
Genghis Khan
Germany, Wolfe and
Gide, André
Gilded Age, The (Clemens)
Gilligan, Edmund
Gingrich, Arnold
Gish, Lillian
Gluck, Alma
God’s Little Acre (Caldwell)
Golden Apples (Rawlings)
“Golden Honeymoon, The” (Lardner)
Gordon, Caroline. See Tate, Caroline Gordon
Gorsline, Douglas
Gould, Gerald
Graham, Sheilah
Grant, Judge Robert
Grant, Ulysses S.
Gray, James
Great Gatsby, The (Fitzgerald)
final revision of
Fitzgerald’s views on
Gatsby’s character in
Perkins’s views on
publication and reception of
title of
Greene Murder Case, The (Van Dine)
Green Hat, The (Arlen)
Green Hills of Africa (Hemingway)
Guggenheim Foundation
Guinzburg, Harold
Hale, Edward Everett
Hale, Nancy
Hale, Ruth